Znaniye creates and co-create world class textbooks for preschool through to A Level, and additionally works with many incredible authors and publishers
All books below are available to purchase, to order books please quote the book code to school@znaniye.com
Prices do not include shipping
If you wish to buy multiple sets as a school or tutor please send through a request to evie@znaniye.com
Preschool age 5/6 and up /pre-primary. 1 Full year of books with over 160 hours of learning. Covers a full teachers curriculum and students work, with no additional books needed.
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Book Code: AZB1-7
«Разноцветная азбука» предназначена для работы в зарубежных школах русского языка. Целевой аудиторией «Разноцветной азбуки» являются дети 5-6 лет, обучающиеся в так называемом «нулевом» классе и ранее изучавшие русский язык. Задача «Разноцветной азбуки» - подвести ребят в конце учебного года к одинаковому уровню, чтобы они могли начать обучение в первом классе.
Recommended for preschool - primary to aid in lessons and development.
Book Codes: FTZ01,FTZ02,FTZ03.
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A manual to teach you to read and write in Russian!
Only £25 for the 3 book set, or £10 per book!
The book "Literacy and Literacy Rules" is designed to teach children to recognise capital letters and master the spelling technique adopted in Russian schools. The authors of the book relied on the classical traditions of Russian education, when calligraphy was considered not only as a means of teaching writing, but also as a way of forming the basics of spelling literacy among students.
For more information on this book in Russian, click through to the rest of the images in the gallery.
Book Codes: LITZ01,LITZ02, LITZ03
Quote the code for individual book purchase, or use quick link below to purchase the set and save over 15%!
This book contains preparatory materials for the Russian Oral GCSE Exam. The proposed sample assignments are organised by topic and aid the acquisition of skills, such as role playing and describing pictures, which are the focus of the GCSE oral exam.
This book is intended for students preparing for the exam, or teachers and parents who are helping another prepare for the exam. This is why the book's topics are split into versions for teacher and pupil.
This book is also an asset for anybody in the field of linguodidactic testing.
At only £10 this book is a budget-friendly way to ensure top marks at Russian Oral GCSE Exam!
For Information in Russian - go to the next slide!
Russian Grammar and Literature Primary 1 Book Set
A set of 4 books to support the education of Russian language and reading in foreign schools. Each set contains two textbooks and two workbooks aimed towards 1st grade students.
Only £35 for the whole set! Order now by clicking the link below
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Новая серия книг, предназначенная для изучения русского языка в зарубежных школах. В учебнике представлено много практических заданий, грамматических упражнений и развития речи, которые подаются в интересной и игровой форме. Методика преподавания РКИ детям-билингвам и детям-инофонам. Рекомендовано институтом языкознания Российской академии наук.
Russian Grammar and Literature Primary 2 Book Set
A set of 4 books to support the education of Russian language and reading in foreign schools. Each set contains two textbooks and two workbooks aimed towards 2nd grade students.
Only £35 for the whole set! Order now by clicking the link below
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Новая серия книг, предназначенная для изучения русского языка в зарубежных школах. В учебнике представлено много практических заданий, грамматических упражнений и развития речи, которые подаются в интересной и игровой форме. Методика преподавания РКИ детям-билингвам и детям-инофонам. Рекомендовано институтом языкознания Российской академии наук.
Russian Grammar and Literature Primary 3 Book Set
A set of 4 books to support the education of Russian language and reading in foreign schools. Each set contains two textbooks and two workbooks aimed towards 3rd grade students.
Only £35 for the whole set! Order now by clicking the link below
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Новая серия книг, предназначенная для изучения русского языка в зарубежных школах. В учебнике представлено много практических заданий, грамматических упражнений и развития речи, которые подаются в интересной и игровой форме. Методика преподавания РКИ детям-билингвам и детям-инофонам. Рекомендовано институтом языкознания Российской академии наук.
Russian Grammar and Literature Primary 4 Book Set
A set of 4 books to support the education of Russian language and reading in foreign schools. Each set contains two textbooks and two workbooks aimed towards 4th grade students.
Only £35 for the whole set! Order now by clicking the link below
Click through the gallery to look inside the range!
Новая серия книг, предназначенная для изучения русского языка в зарубежных школах. В учебнике представлено много практических заданий, грамматических упражнений и развития речи, которые подаются в интересной и игровой форме. Методика преподавания РКИ детям-билингвам и детям-инофонам. Рекомендовано институтом языкознания Российской академии наук.