In the U.K.
Znaniye Russian School and David Game College partnered in 2019 to open the first 13+ Russian - British Full Time School in the U.K.
Students now have the opportunity to study a full British Curriculum alongside a uniquely designed Russian Curriculum. The programme allows students to receive a double accreditation upon completing and even provide the option of sitting the Russian State Examination (EGE)
The course blends the languages and cultures of Russia and Britain and provides an extensive Russian curriculum that has been devised by leading Russian institutions around the world.
The curriculum is aligned to both Russian and British education standards and has been modified to incorporate tutorials and seminars to prepare students for further university studies.
This is a unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in both a Russian and British curriculum.
David Game Modules
A choice from over 20 GCSE and A-Level Subjects
Russian GCSE or A-Level
Edexcel Pearson Russian exam preparation
Znaniye Russian Curriculum
Russian Language, Literature, History and Culture Classes.
Research Tutorials
A unique curriculum developed by Znaniye Russian School and its global partners
What does the Russian Curriculum Include?
The Russian Curriculum provides an additional 3 hours per week in addition to the GCSE / A-Level Course. Throughout each month additional tutorials will take place.
Russian History
During Russian history classes students study key features and characteristics of historical periods.
The focus of these history sessions is Soviet and Russian history. Students will learn to research and use a range of source materials which are all in Russian. As well as researching and improving Russian reading and analysis, students also learn to comprehend the material, interpret and cross refer sources.
The sessions also encourage students to explain and make judgements about historical events and periods.
This course helps students develop skills such as analysis and evaluation of historical interpretations
Russian Language
Russian Language explores all the main grammatical areas from nominal declensions (nouns, adjectives, pronouns), use of cases, and the verbal conjugations, and tenses as well as look further into more areas of the Russian Language. Oral practise with a native language tutor is also provided and important for language development.
The course will make sure that there is an easy transition for students as they excel through the programme.
This course will improve students’ ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively. Students taking this course will learn how to employ a wide-ranging vocabulary, use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, and develop a personal style and an awareness of the language.
Russian Literature
Znaniye has worked closely with teachers and expert practitioners to ensure interesting and relevant texts at the right level for students are selected. Russian Literature classes explore some of the most famous Russian writers of all time and look at works such as Eugene Onegin by Pushkin as well as works by Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and many more. All texts will be studied in Russian and students will discuss various themes in classes.
Within this component, students will delve into the rich artistic and intellectual heritage that includes great writers such as Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, and notable thinkers like Herzen and Berdiaev.
Tutorials will be project and research-based. These give students an opportunity to have interactive sessions on topics of interest to them. Topics will be chosen as a group and will look at political affairs, news topics, current trends, cultural events and traditions amount others. Russia today is increasingly influential on the world stage in terms of politics, economics, art and culture. Tutorials give students the chance to explore these various areas and conduct in-depth research and prepare projects and presentations. As well as improving on research, analysis and comprehension students will have improved on public speaking and presentations and debating. Held in university style sessions these will ease students into University style learning and teaching.
If you come from a country outside the European Union, you will probably need a Visa to study in the UK. In order to secure a Visa, it is important that the correct procedures are followed. The College will issue you with a CAS number in order to apply for a Visa after you have been accepted on one of our A level and GCSE courses, and you have paid the appropriate deposit fee.
To find out more about our college and courses please visit David Game College